I, Prophet Hezekiah, joyfully celebrate Pastor Enoch Adeboye on the occasion of his 83rd birthday. It is a great privilege to witness this milestone in your life—a life that has been a blessing to millions across the world.
Your unwavering commitment to the gospel of Christ, your humility, and your fatherly guidance have made you a beacon of light in this generation. Through your teachings, prayers, and leadership, countless souls have been won into God’s kingdom, and the body of Christ has been greatly strengthened.
Your journey has been an extraordinary testament to God’s faithfulness. Through the years, you have remained a pillar of faith, a vessel of honor, and a beacon of light to this generation. Your dedication to the work of evangelism, your commitment to holiness, and your unwavering pursuit of God’s kingdom have impacted countless lives across the globe.
As you mark this new age, I pray that the Lord continues to renew your strength, enlarge your territory, and grant you divine health and wisdom to keep leading His people. May your impact in evangelism never diminish, and may your latter years be even more glorious than the former.
On this special day, I pray that the Lord will continue to uphold you, renew your strength, and bless you with divine health, peace, and joy. May your latter years be even more glorious than the former, and may you continue to shine as a bright light in the vineyard of the Lord.
Congratulations, sir! The heavens rejoice over you, and we celebrate you today and always. May God’s grace upon your life never diminish.
Content Credit| Ajibola Emmanuel Adebayo
Picture Credit | https://dailypost.ng/